Lost Girls
Lost Girls is an alt-pop digression from the more engaged avantgarde work of Norwegian artist Jenny Hval accompanied by her year-long band companion Håvard Volden. While in her solo work Hval deals chiefly with feminist themes such as aging in a female body, menstruation and the choice of motherhood, her duo with Volden instead lays emphasis on an overall feeling and a certain corporeality of sound. Their debut Menneskekollektivet is above all a dance record, an intoxicating cocktail of subdued drum machines and hypertrophic synthesizers.
To quote Pitchkfork: ‘[The album] lives almost exclusively in the draft stage, and the music itself seems to relish in the experience of its creation.’ At the forefront are Hval’s vocal arrangement and airy improvised guitars. The voice abounds with colour. Lost Girls will arrive at NEXT with their new album Selvutsletter, joining the intuitive nighttime bedroom pop of their earlier days with experimental rock and themes of ego death.