Fredrik Rasten: Six Moving Guitars
Six Moving Guitars: Fredrik Rasten & Hans P. Kjorstad & Julia Reidy & Adela Mede & Erika Coyle & Eva Vozarova
Norwegian guitarist and composer Fredrik Rasten works in the field of experimental music, both improvised and composed. His main focus is exploring and utilizing the acoustic possibilities of the steel string guitar and during the last few years he has been working extensively with just intonation. Rasten and an ensemble of performers will present his now fairly well-known work called Six Moving Guitars. The piece came out of a collaboration between three dancers and three musicians who wanted to work with choreography and sound in unison, erasing the distinctions between dancer and musician. The composition is an integrated whole of sound and movement; all six performers become moving guitar players and everyone’s movement within the specific acoustic space becomes instrumental to the spatial and sounding effect of the piece.
Part of NOISS (Norway–Iceland–Slovakia): New Musics for New Audiences project.